The best exercises for your core: Chin Up With Kathy Martin

The best exercises for your core: Chin Up


Find a flat pull up bar. If you need to, use a box, bench, or step up to grab the bar. 


Make sure your palms are facing you and the back of your hands are facing out. 


Step off the bar so you are hanging from the bar. 


Pull yourself up until your chin reaches the height of the bar.


Pause for your desired count. 


Then lower yourself until you are in the hanging position again.


To make this exercise easier follow these steps:


Find a flat pull up bar. If you need to, use a box, bench, or step up to grab the bar. 


Make sure your palms are facing you and the back of your hands are facing out. 


Jump up to the bar until your chin reaches the height of the bar.


Lower yourself until you are in the hanging position again. 


Step off back onto the box, bench, or step up.


Assisted Chin Up:


Before completing the steps above, grab a resistance band.


Each band has colors and gives more or less resistance depending on the color. The amount of resistance is usually printed on the outside of the band. Stretch them in your arms to determine which one is right for you. If that one doesn’t work, feel free to grab a new one for the remainder of your workout.


Loop the resistance band around the pull-up bar. Take the side facing you and put it through the opposite side of the band and pull. If this is done correctly the resistance band will be locked in place on the pull-up bar.


Once the band is on the pull-up bar, place a knee in the loop at the bottom.


Then make sure your palms are facing you and the back of your hands are facing out.


Step off the bar so you are hanging from the bar.


Pull yourself up until your chin reaches the height of the bar. 


Pause for your desired count.


Then lower yourself until you are in the hanging position again.


If you followed one of these three alterations, you have just completed a Chin Up!
